Israel, The Land of TV Series

By Olivier Joyard 2019 Israël, Terre de séries TV Doc Completed
70 min

For a decade, Israeli TV series production has undergone a tremendous artistic rise. Thanks to several local shows’ successful adaptations, the country managed to carve a place on the international market, next to the Anglo-Saxon giants. In a troubled geopolitical situation, the Israeli artistic community succeeded in crafting a specific creation method, coping with lower financial means than their occidental counterparts. The documentary enables us to meet this new wave of creators who offer a new breath to this country’s imagination. Through up-close and personal stories, they hand a powerful mirror of our contemporary societies. But the picture is not stainless. An important pressure exerts a hold on the cultural elite, in order to smooth out any divergent speech. Many leading figures have therefore chosen exile so that they could express themselves freely. By questioning those different profiles, the documentary tries to enlighten this phenomenon, to determine what's the fashion effect, and what should last.